a digital course with the tools you need to question your relationship less,Ā and gainĀ Ā more clarity.

Is this you?

  • Youā€™re in theĀ bestĀ relationshipĀ youā€™ve ever been in, and yet something doesnā€™t feel quite right
  • Youā€™ve asked yourself any of these questions:
    • ā€œIs my partnerĀ The One?ā€
    • ā€œDo I love themĀ enough?ā€
    • ā€œHow do I know Iā€™m making theĀ right choice?ā€
  • You often wonder if your doubt and anxiety is a sign that yourĀ intuitionĀ is trying to tell you something

If so, you are not alone!

This is exactly what myself and so many of my clients experienced...

Which is why I created Deconstruct the Doubts.

Hi, Iā€™m Sarah.

I found myself in the best relationship of my life butĀ confused and uncertain.

The thought of committing to my partner for the rest of my lifeĀ causedĀ me to feel stressedā€¦

Instead of feeling excited and confident like I saw other people experience.

Iā€™d wake up in the morning with a tight chest and heaviness.

It was hard to stay present around my partnerā€¦

It was hard to focus at work...

And it was hard to be alone with my intrusive thoughts.


It felt like my only options were:

  1. live with this crippling anxiety foreverĀ 
  2. end the relationshipĀ 

And I didn't want to do either.

At the time, it didnā€™t feel like there was another way out.


ButĀ I knew I had to find a way through this.

As I write this now, I am more secure in our relationship than I've ever beenā€¦

And I confidently choose myĀ fiancĆ© (we're engaged now!) and relationship daily.Ā 

That isĀ a result of me implementing the information and tools I share with you in this course.

When anxious moments do inevitably still show upĀ (I'm still human after all...), I move through them without feeling like I'm in the "wrong" relationship.

I have the knowledge and resources to soothe my anxiety instead of depending on a Google search.

That is why IĀ am sharing this information and these toolsā€¦

So you, too, can become your own best support system and get back into the driver's seat of your relationship and life.Ā 

This is the information I wish I had 5 years ago so I could have spent more time ENJOYING my relationship, and less time analyzing it.

Deconstruct The Doubts combines what Iā€™ve learned from personal experienceā€¦

Research on anxiety and relationships (including my own therapy)ā€¦

And what Iā€™ve learned as a trauma-informed relationship anxiety coach.

This course is not meant to replace therapy.

But to help you gain awareness of whatā€™s really going on during moments of anxietyā€¦

So you can move through these moments with less resistance and more easeā€¦

And experience real change.


ThisĀ course is for you ifā€¦

  • you are ready to spend less time worrying about your relationship and more time enjoying it
  • you have a lot of fear that blocks you from loving your partner (and yourself) and are ready to show up with more love
  • you crave more tools and practicesĀ to use on the spot during moments of anxiety
  • you believe your relationship is worth putting in ā€˜the workā€™ for

ThisĀ courseĀ may notĀ be for you ifā€¦

  • youĀ andĀ desireĀ one-to-one support from a therapist or coach to process trauma or PTSDĀ 
  • Ā 

Dive in toĀ the information and resources you need to navigate relationship anxiety right at your fingertips.

You don't have to try to figure this out on your own...

To read book after book and spend countless hours googling for information in the hopes of finding actionable advice.

Deconstruct the Doubts provides you with the tools and steps you need to navigate relationship doubts with more confidence and ease.

Just imagineā€¦

Being able to feel excitement, (notĀ just fear and dread), when your partnerĀ asks about your future together...

Knowing exactly what you need to do to feel calmer and more balanced inside when people ask if your partner is "the one"ā€¦

Feeling secure in your relationship instead of jumping to compare your relationship to others because your mindset and outlook on relationships has changed...

Being more present and connected when you spend time with your partnerā€¦

Enjoying little moments together without your thoughts swirling in your head the whole time.

It's absolutely possible, my love.

Here's what you get…


Module 1Ā (Value $200)

Deconstruct the Mind

Learn what is really going on in your mind during moments of doubt and anxiety and how to use this new awareness to change your current patterns.


Module 2Ā (Value $200)

Deconstruct Your Relationship Mindset

Unlearn relationship beliefs that are causing you to feel anxious and re-learn new ones so you can feel more ease and inner peace.


Module 3Ā (Value $200)

Deconstruct the Relationship With YOU

LearnĀ how the relationship you have to yourself majorly affectsĀ relationship doubtsĀ and how toĀ show up for yourself and your relationship with more love.


Module 4Ā (Value $200)

Deconstruct Relationship Dynamics

Learn what it means to be in a healthy relationship, a framework to reflect on relationship dealbreakers, and how to celebrate your partner and relationship.


Module 5Ā (Value $200)

Deconstruct the Path Forward

Learn how to move forward with all the tools and strategies youā€™ve learned so you can make lasting changes in your relationship and life.


[NEW] BONUS MODULEĀ (Value $250)

Deconstruct Resistance

Understand the strongest force working against you on your journey to heal relationship anxiety and how to overcome it so you can feel happier in your relationship.


Implementation Workbook (Value $200)

This course gives you the roadmap to feeling more confident and content in your relationship.

To make that happen, it will take actuallyĀ implementing what youā€™re learning, and thisĀ workbook helps you do just that.

It's filled with guided practices and journal prompts toĀ helpĀ  the information sink in and become your new reality.

Each of the 50+ educational videos come with action items and questions so you see tangible progress as you move through the course material.


BONUS Module:Ā (Value $180)

Navigating MomentsĀ of Anxiety

Learn the 3-pillar toolĀ to use to help you understand why you're anxious and how to move through it.Ā 


Resource Library (Value $120)

AĀ curated collection of my favorite resources to support you on your relationship anxiety journey so you donā€™t have to piece it all together bit-by-bit.


+ Lifetime access to the course content and all future updates. (Value $PRICELESS)


Total Value: $1,750+


Pay In Full


SAVE $52



Payment Plan





What past Deconstruct the Doubts students are saying:


"The digital course is AMAZING!!!! I was a little skeptical at first because I have a background in counseling and have done lots of therapy in the last few years so I wondered how much the content could really help me. I was blown away by how every single module validated exactly what I was feeling and brought up experiences/thoughts that I thought only I had. Therapy has been helpful for me the past few years but I always have left feeling like it just wasn’t enough. The coursework was exactly what I needed and left me feeling empowered each week. The modules actually give you ways to take action and “do something” about the anxiety and doubts you are experiencing. I also really love how we have lifetime access to them because they have been so helpful to watch as a reminder when I need them."

- Mattie C.


"Thank you for sharing this work, I think it might just save my 10 year relationship."

- Anonymous


"It was truly one of the best things I've done for myself by joining this course. I feel empowered and so excited to continue my journey with such positive resources and support!!!!"

- Anonymous


"The Deconstruct the Doubts digital course provided me with the foundational knowledge that I needed to understand my relationship anxiety, why relationship anxiety happens, and how to start moving through it. Sometimes, I felt like the course was reading my mind - I couldn't believe that all of the thoughts/feelings I was having were explained in one place. Though I still have a long way to go in terms of implementing tools and feeling more stable, I believe that the course was the perfect place to start."

- Anonymous


"The Deconstruct The Doubts digital course really gave me more insights in what is really happening inside of me and how to deal with it. After giving all this information, I got some insights in how to really change my beliefs into something that is more related to the real world and not something I make up in my head or try to be a perfectionist (hint: life and relationships are never perfect). It is also packed with tips and ways to implement what you just learned."

- Anonymous


"I wanted to send a big THANK YOU to you for creating your relationship anxiety course. This week is the one year anniversary of the first date with my now husband, and I would not have gotten this far in the relationship without the learning and self-compassion I received from your course.

In fact, there was a first proposal:), and I shared with him a ā€œnot yetā€ because part of what I needed was to better understand my RA. Soon enough, I was whole heartedly ready for the second proposal, and Iā€™m so grateful to now have this healthy, meaningful relationship after years of healing from two hurtful relationships. I feel exited about this new chapter ahead.

Thank you for taking time and vulnerability to speak and teach in a way to truly touches those of us with RA."


"It is a brilliant course, it covers practically all the topics of my intrusive thoughts/worries. I have had a lot of therapy over the years, but this course framed topics in a different way than I am used to and offered different perspectives that really resonated with me and have stayed with me."

- Anonymous


My guarantee

Your satisfaction is important to me! If you complete the course and itā€™s not what you expected, email [email protected] within 30 days of purchase for a refund.


About Me

Hi, Iā€™m Sarah Yudkin, the founder of You Love and You Learn and a relationship anxiety coach whoā€™s passionate about helping you feel content (peacefully happy) in your relationship.

I went from feeling anxious, doubtful, and uncertain in my own relationship to feeling a deeper sense of commitment, fulfillment, and optimism than I dreamed was possible. Since then, I have helped over 750 people from 35 countries through online coaching, courses, and webinars.

The amazing You Love and You Learn online community consists of over 300,000 people on a journey to show up more intentionally in their relationships.

Stop “do I stay or do I go” mentality and move forward with confidence in your relationship TODAY!