#23 - The “should’s” + pressures of love in our 30’s w/ Emma Wilson, Turning 30 Coach

In this episode, I got a chance to speak with Emma Wilson, the Turning 30 Coach about how relationship anxiety can be impacted as we near/are in our 30’s.

We cover:

  • the instruction manuals we each create that dictate our lives and how we think life “should” look in our 30’s
  • how to parse out what it is that you want vs. what is a societal expectation
  • Emma’s story about identifying incompatibilities her past relationship
  • slowing down and letting things happen in the time they will take
  • the doomsday perceptions we have about breakups and divorce
  • specifically for women: the pressure of wanting to have kids by a certain age

Learn more about Emma’s work here:

Instagram: @turning30coach

Website: www.turning30coach.com

Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/il/podcast/turning-30-podcast/id1526149550

In the episode, I mentioned the “would I be happier single?” blog post, which you can read here: https://www.youloveandyoulearn.com/blog/would-i-be-happier-single

In the episode, I mentioned the “is it anxiety, or am I settling?” webinar, which you can purchase here for $27: https://www.youloveandyoulearn.com/is-it-anxiety-or-settling

Additional resources: