#42 - How Perfectionism + Expectations Affect Relationships

Do you often feel disappointed in your relationship (or life) when things don’t go how you expect they will?

Do you have very specific ideas of how your relationship (and life) “should” feel or look, and worry that anything different means it’s “wrong?”

In this episode I share what perfectionism and Perfect Moment Syndrome (coined by author Sarah Wilson) are and how they affect our relationships.

I also explore how expectations affect how happy or unhappy we are in our relationships.

If this is resonating with you and you want to reduce perfectionism in your relationship…


This is for you if you are in a relationship that you really want to work out yet your anxiety gets in the way, and you know that having someone who’s been in your shoes to guide and support you as you learn to navigate moments of anxiety would be invaluable.

Additional resources: