Finding Inner Safety In the Present Moment

Mar 30, 2022

I received a beautiful reminder from yoga class today.

It’s a simple one, but one I wanted to pass it on.

That is:

At any moment, we can choose to cultivate inner safety.

This is a practice, not an inherent skill. 

The analogy today in class was: “allow yourself to be safe here in this moment, to realize that you don’t have to fix anything right now, to allow your muscles to relax and release the tension. Right now there is nothing to fear.” 

This same analogy serves us in the journey of relationship anxiety/ROCD.

At its core, relationship anxiety/ROCD are feelings of fear (in other words, not feeling safe). 

Rationally we may know we’re not in immediate danger but our subconscious/ego is not so sure.

It wants to protect us from:

  • imperfection

  • the potential of pain or loss

  • taking risks

  • uncertainty

  • and more…

As you close out the week, see where you can practice bringing in inner safety.

Maybe it’s a compassionate reminder that “I’m not in danger, I am safe in this moment.”

Maybe it’s creating a safe ambiance with candles, blankets, and your favorite music.

Maybe it’s practicing self-soothing techniques.

Whatever it is, bringing ourselves back to present safety as often as possible is a great way to build up our resilience.

And resilience is a fundamental component of moving through relationship anxiety and reminding yourself of how strong you really are.